Babylon Public Library

Friends of the Library





Who we are:

Library lovers who work together to enrich the Babylon community through the growth of library resources.

The Work of the Friends:

Spread the word about the Library, its programs, resources and services.

Enhance public use of the library.

Sponsor programs designed to add to the cultural life of the community.

Fund Raise to provide for special programs

Sponsor programs such as book discussions, exhibits, readings, concerts and museum passes

Benefits of joining the Friends:

To support the loved and valued community resource that is your Library!

By becoming a member of the Friends of the Babylon Library, you are showing your support for the resources this library offers, as well as your desire to see it flourish.

Your participation as a Friend can help us stay more in tune with the community’s needs and find ways to address any issues.

Join us today!

To join the Friends, please inquire at the Circulation Desk or print this membership brochure & application and send it to:

Babylon Public Library (Attention: Friends)
24 South Carll Avenue, Babylon, NY 11702

We’d LOVE to hear from you – Send us an email at

Friend’s Board of Directors

 President: Karyn Kirschbaum  Vice President: Charlotte Greenwald  Secretary: Alena Berenblatt  Treasurer: Carolyn Romaine  Membership: Lorraine Stein