Hoopla gives digital access to TV shows, movies, music, comics, and eBooks. There is no waiting. Everything is available immediately, 24/7.
Flipster is a digital magazine service featuring a variety of popular magazines. Patrons can read the magazines online on an internet-connected device or download them into the Flipster App on a compatible device for offline use.

Livebrary Databases is a collection of research materials, including magazine and newspaper articles, reference books, homework help and more. Livebrary has also partnered with Overdrive to offer downloadable eBooks, audiobooks and movies.
Kanopy is the best video streaming service for quality, thoughtful entertainment.
Find movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films, and more.

Pronunciator is a fun and free way to learn any of 100 languages with personalized courses that include study guides and audio lessons, video phrases, movies, music, and more. Learn online, either on your desktop computer or mobile device!
The American Archive of Public Broadcasting (AAPB) is a collaboration between the Library of Congress and the Boston public media producer GBH to coordinate a national effort to preserve at–risk public media before its content is lost to posterity and provide a central web portal for access to the unique programming that public stations have aired over the past 70+years. Over 122,000 items of television and radio programming contributed by more than 140 public media organizations and archives across the United States have been digitized for long–term preservation and access. The entire collection is available on location at the Library of Congress and GBH in Boston, and more than half of the items are available online.

JSTOR provides full-text access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
Comics Plus is a digital platform offering thousands of digital comics, graphic novels and manga to readers of all ages. You can access titles using a smartphone, tablet, or web browser, and can be downloaded to multiple devices. There is never a wait to read, all titles are unlimited access simultaneous use.