Access Sanborn Maps with your library card number

Your library card number:

The library card number you entered is invalid and cannot be used to access the Sanborn Maps.


$(‘#main .submit_button input’).click(function(event)
var card = $(‘#library-card-number’).val();
if (!card || (card.substring(0,5) != ‘20610’ && card.substring(0,4) != ‘0610’))
window.location.href = ‘’;

ProQuest’s Digital Sanborn Maps, 1867-1970 provides academic and public libraries digital access to more than 660,000 large-scale maps of more than 12,000 American towns and cities. In electronic form, Sanborn Maps take on much improved value over the microfilm versions of the same maps, allowing for greater flexibility of use and improved viewing possibilities. Users have the ability to easily manipulate the maps, magnify and zoom in on specific sections.